GT-GEN-POL-0060-Occupational Health and Safety Policy
At Guardtech Pty Ltd, our Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Policy is based on a belief that the wellbeing of people employed at work, or people affected by our work, is a major priority and must be considered during all work performed on our behalf.
We are committed to providing employees, contractors, visitors with a healthy and safe environment through eliminating or otherwise reducing so far as is reasonably practicable the risks of injuries and illness that may arise because of Guardtech undertakings. We demonstrate our commitments through the systematic identification, assessment and control of hazards, relevant to the nature and risk of our business.
To meet the objectives, Guardtech is committed to develop an Integrated Management System aimed to conform to ISO 45001:2018 Standard. Guardtech is committed to continual improvement of the Integrated Management System and OHS performance through measurement and monitoring activities.
This will be achieved by:
- Complying with relevant OHS (and WHS) legislation, applicable industry standards, customer requirements, OHS/WHS Regulations, Compliance Codes/Codes of Practice, guidelines as well as any other requirements related to the management of OHS hazards within our operations.
- Establishing reviewing and communicating Guardtech OHS Objectives and targets that are measurable to all levels in the organisation. The objectives and targets are monitored on an ongoing basis and reviewed during the management review meetings.
- Identifying and reducing the OHS risks using the hierarchy of controls for all types of work activities that have the potential to produce occupational illness and injury.
- Encouraging all employees and contractors to report all workplace hazards
- Focussing on ongoing improvement in the areas of OHS training, incident prevention
- Provide and maintain plant and systems of work in a safe manner.
- Ensuring appropriate information, instruction, supervision, communication, induction and training are provided to all employees including its leaders, managers and supervisors as well as other employees and contractors prior to commencement of work, and ensuring all employees and contractors are aware of these resources and participate proactively in OHS matters.
- Involving all employees and HSR’s in occupational health and safety matters and consulting with them on ways to recognise, evaluate and control workplace hazards.
- Commitment to be inclusive in consultation, communication and participation between senior leaders, its employees and worker’s representatives on its decision-making processes on OHS management system policies and procedures through forums such as regular OHS meetings.
- Ensuring that everyone (including visitors and contractors) complies with appropriate standards and workplace directions to protect their own and others health and safety at work.
- Providing adequate systems and resources to effectively manage rehabilitation and return to work processes.
This policy is communicated to all employees and its contractors through inductions, noticeboards, specific training and is reviewed annually during the management review meetings by the senior leadership team. It is also made available to interested parties as required.
This policy is reviewed periodically to ensure that it is relevant and appropriate to Guardtech operations.
We will not undertake any task unless all hazards have been identified, assessed and appropriately controlled.
Chief Executive Officer