When investing in a security system you also need to consider what is needed to keep it performing at its best. Make sure you consider what is necessary to maintain the system in the long term. Failing to consider security system maintenance potentially leaves your business at risk and could create problems with insurance claims.
Modern technology periodically needs maintenance to keep it performing at its best. With over 20 years in the security systems industry, Guardtech has the trained professionals that you need to ensure your system performs as it should.
Our experts are security professionals who are licensed, insured and registered to carry out installations and repairs on a wide range of brands, so you can get on with running your business.
We support and maintain alarm systems, CCTV cameras, access control, storage media, PIRs, batteries, card readers and supporting infrastructure. With Guardtech specialists handling your security systems maintenance, you can rest easy knowing that our team is here to support your business security.
We can assist with the below security system maintenance tasks as required:
- Recode and reprogram your existing alarm system
- Service faulty CCTV equipment
- Replace faulty alarm sensors and alarm components
- Assist you in using and getting the most from your security system
- Alarm battery replacement
- Upgrade and expand your current security system
- Troubleshoot technical issues
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